For many years now I have been on a journey of creating my life’s master piece. Learning and discovering what it truly means to live your life’s purpose. A journey that I couldn’t have done with genuine self-worth and personal power.
The truth is that I wasn’t born a strong and confident woman. I became one through my own efforts to cultivate these attributes daily. My dedication to meditation, personal development and a commitment to find my life’s purpose are an integral part of my success. In addition I have found that by being self disciplined, focusing on the positive, trusting my inner guidance and having faith: I can overcome fear and doubt and manifest my desires into reality. And that is what I desire for you!
Visualise what you want, be absolutely certain that you deserve it and that you can achieve it, then manifest it. The more you manifest your desires into reality, the more you can be an inspiration and a shining light for others, so they can follow your lead.
I am grateful that new experiences and opportunities continue to to arise in many areas of my life. Of course, the most significant changes in my life are the births of both my children. Ryder and Talia. My son Ryder has brought me a new level of perspective to my life and I feel thoroughly blessed. He shows me everyday that life is so much more than just existing.
My daughter Talia has brought me a very different perceptive on life, although I still feel thoroughly blessed. She was born still at 39.5 weeks. She has shown me that life is precious and the moments that you have should be spent doing the things you love. Living your dreams.
My experiences so far have taught me to be very discerning about where I focus my energy and attention. I believe that when you focus your attention on your goals, you can achieve whatever you desire. It is most important that you focus on the things that matter the most to you. When you stay positive, you attract positivity in return.
It is our responsibility to bring peace and harmony to our own live’s… Then and only then can we bring peace to the world.
I truly believe in what I share with you. I write for those of you who have already found your place in this world, and for those still on a journey to figure out what their life purpose is. I write it for those of you who may have lost your way… but are on the road to finding yourself.
I wish you the very best in life.
Remember, to feel the best and be the best, you have to do your best… and the first step on that path is to…
Sammy xxoo
PS: Want to get more inspiration…? Connect with me on Facebook – Sammy Crockett on Facebook